AIGA E-board Introductory Posts
Introducing Stonehill AIGA members via designed posts on Instagram: club Vice President duty
For this collection of pieces, I was tasked with creating promotional images for the members of the members of Stonehill’s American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) chapter, myself included. The colors of the design first and foremost were always meant to be emblematic of CMYK, the basic color metric for printable objects. the geometric styling also exists to fit this artistic endeavor as well, with the idea propagating a style of vector imagery that graphic designers typically work with. the overall composition is done to showcase a vertical feel, as well as emphasize how the colors bleed into and eventually out of one another towards the bottom. While each composition is nearly identical in all facets excluding color in order to appeal uniform, each aspect is adjusted slightly in order to fit alongside the given image of the person (such as the circles and the drips of paint at the bottom). In addition, each person is highlighted in purple in order to not only make them contrast against the background, but also to get the idea of the school’s color across, indicating that the individuals are a part of said school wholeheartedly. I hope that when looking at this line that not only is the role of each individual person apparent, but also capitalized in a manner befitting of the design space.