Sound with Style Poster

Advertisement poster: Advertising Design class

For this piece, I was tasked with creating an advertisement centered around an object of my choosing, which in this instance was a pair of headphones. When thinking about how to market this, I decided that it would be best to focus on two aspects that people are likely to think of when discussing the idea of headphones: sound and technology. Therefor, the aesthetic was decided to be very graphic and flat to fit with the technological nature of the piece. In addition, the roundness of the overall composition exists to not only compliment the smooth roundness of the headphones, but also contrast against the harsher, more jagged areas of the sound bars. With regards to the way that they are arranged, one begins their focus towards the top of the piece and works their way downwards, correlating with the arc’s curvature. I hope that when viewing my piece, one can get a feeling of the technological aspects, as well as the bombastic nature of sound that coincides with headphones.


Malleable Type and Image